Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Local presence in 23 cities - for FREE ?!

Hey gang!
I finally completed my riding tour across the USA! It was a hoot -
Six riders, no deadlines, truly getting to know America.

Two of us own our own business, and were keen on meeting consumers in multiple cities.
We really needed a local phone number in Atlanta, Denver, Phoenix, Denver, Chicago and NYC.
All I did was get FREE "numbr"s from http://www.numbr.com, set them to expire in a month, and handed them out in each city as my contact number.

The new features added to NUMBR are so numbingly simple! I was always reachable (could forward incoming calls to two phone numbers and have voice-mails sent to my email).

Kudos Numbr - you have redefined ease of use for transaction numbers and privacy!

Monday, April 30, 2007

"Numbr" is a cool idea!

Numbr from Craigsnumber - excellent marketing move

Ever since I wrote about Craigsnumber as an excellent free tool for anonymous disposable phone numbers, I have reflected on the name -
While Craigsnumber is a natural for using it on Craigslist (tho' the two are not affiliated),
Would I use "Craigsnumber" on MySpace for example? Any other consumer site?

I was pleasantly surprised to find "numbr.com" which redirected me to Craigsnumber.com and a familar tool with all the call management features I love from Craigsnumber, including blocking off known telemarketers, a "follow me" if I am busy on my phone, and so on.

Then I noticed "Digg my numbr" on Digg.com - it all came together very nicely for me.

Comments welcome; I see NUMBR as a cool marketing move by the Craigsnumber team.

On another note, if you are riding out on the west coast these days, Yosemite is an excellent destination. A few of us rode out on Saturday, hiked up the Upper Yosemite Falls - just what riding and hiking were meant to be!

"Numbr" is a cool idea!

Numbr from Craigsnumber - excellent marketing move

Ever since I wrote about Craigsnumber as an excellent free tool for anonymous disposable phone numbers, I have reflected on the name -
While Craigsnumber is a natural for using it on Craigslist (tho' the two are not affiliated),
Would I use "Craigsnumber" on MySpace for example? Any other consumer site?

I was pleasantly surprised to find "numbr.com" which redirected me to Craigsnumber.com and a familar tool with all the call management features I love from Craigsnumber, including blocking off known telemarketers, a "follow me" if I am busy on my phone, and so on.

Then I noticed "Digg my numbr" on Digg.com - it all came together very nicely for me.

Comments welcome; I see NUMBR as a cool marketing move by the Craigsnumber team.

On another note, if you are riding out on the west coast these days, Yosemite is an excellent destination. A few of us rode out on Saturday, hiked up the Upper Yosemite Falls - just what riding and hiking were meant to be!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

How do you know your blog is useful?

On July 31, 2006, Technorati tracked its 50 millionth blog.

Has blogging reached its point of saturation and implies decreasing returns from here on out?
Will only those blogs which stir the reader into an action survive?

However, not all blogs allow for reader comments. The debate over comments on blogs is as old
as blogging — the meme recently resurfaced when Zoli Erdos declared that The Official Google
Blog is not a blog because it doesn’t allow comments.

How then is a blogger to guage the utility of his or her blog?

One way would be as used by Rich DeMuro of CNET TV on Dec.21, 2006 -

Get a free Craigsnumber, set it to expire in an hour (or day), and share it with your viewers/readers. The number of callers will indicate the utility of the blog or show shared.

The added anonymity provided by Craigsnumber, and the simplicity of obtaining one are gravy!

If the age-old notion of "user feedback" enabled by Craigsnumber in this case appeals to you,

Call me at: (415) 632 1256 x 405 (my craigsnumber)

Happy blogging!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Can the US Government TAX my Second Life Profits?

Chris Tomlinson's views on: http://www.webxpress.com/tomlinson-view/371
are worth noting for anyone having a SecondLife account!

In particular, as you start filing your taxes:
Recently, the US government noticed people were making a good living out
of Second Life trading and decreed that US citizens should pay tax on any profits.

Chris, or any expert out there - PLEASE let us know if this is true!
My tax-advisor doesn't know if the US Government has indeed passed any
laws to levy taxes on any profits made by trading on Second Life !

Related question for experts out there:
I am dead serious about my online privacy protection.

With my 10minutemail (http://www.10minutemail.com/10MinuteMail/index.html)
and Craigsnumber (http://www.craigsnumber.com), I have everything I
need to keep complete anonymity - or so I thought ... till I read this:

Is Linden Labs governed by US Government laws to disclose my identity,
online activities on Second Life - AND any profits I have made through my
second life personae??

Just when I thought the internet could indeed give me a 'second life' !! :-(

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Viva Customer Focus - way to go, Craigsnumber!

I love the customer-support guys at Craigsnumber!

I sent an email to info@craigsnumber.com asking for a privacy policy.
In line with their focus on "keep it simple", I see it now on their factsheet.
To the point, no clutter, easy to read.

I have been looking for a service like this for a while now. Some keep
ranting about themselves and how they got funded etc, while trying
to defend crappy products. Others choose to split their marketing
on value and the company.

All I have seen from Craigsnumber is a relentless focus on the customer
during their Beta launch. Awesome customer responsiveness guys -

Switching gears, anyone out riding on US101 on the California coast in winter?
Make the most of the sunshine glinting off the Pacific swells ...

Ride safe!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Craigsnumber as a bloggers tool ?!

Amazing how many of you have wanted to send me
feedback on my blog!
Here I was blogging away about a cool tool, and the
next thing I know - Craigsnumber hits the front page
on Digg?!

As a blogger, I've been curious about the gut reaction
to my blogs. These are best expressed in a conversation,
not over email.

Call me on: (415) 234-5200 x 152 if you wish to share
your thoughts. Note that, this Craigsnumber will expire
in *one week* (Dec.25, 2006)

I figure the really passionate ones will call me by
Christmas :-)

Ride Safe -