Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Viva Customer Focus - way to go, Craigsnumber!

I love the customer-support guys at Craigsnumber!

I sent an email to asking for a privacy policy.
In line with their focus on "keep it simple", I see it now on their factsheet.
To the point, no clutter, easy to read.

I have been looking for a service like this for a while now. Some keep
ranting about themselves and how they got funded etc, while trying
to defend crappy products. Others choose to split their marketing
on value and the company.

All I have seen from Craigsnumber is a relentless focus on the customer
during their Beta launch. Awesome customer responsiveness guys -

Switching gears, anyone out riding on US101 on the California coast in winter?
Make the most of the sunshine glinting off the Pacific swells ...

Ride safe!

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